Handwriting is a skill that isn’t given as much attention as it should. It is important to both children and adults. For younger children, handwriting activates cognitive skills and helps with reading fluency. Our handwriting tutors address proper posture, paper position, pencil grip, and correct letter formation. We tutor in both print and cursive.
Since children will not learn simply by looking at the letter, it is important to teach the correct letter formation to them. It also requires a lot of repetition! Children who are older need a lot more motivation to continue practicing.
When is my child ready to write?
If your child holds a pencil correctly, draws pre-writing shapes, identifies letters, and is motivated to write, then they are ready to start learning how to write.
What if my child doesn't hold a pencil correctly?
If your child doesn't hold a pencil correctly, it is important to strengthen pencil grasp. They can still practice their letters by making them out of playdough, using chalk on the cement, and painting with a brush.
My child has dyslexia. How can handwriting tutoring help?
Research shows that students with dyslexia benefit from writing in cursive. When writing cursive, the word becomes a unit, rather than a series of separate strokes, and correct spelling is more likely to be retained. Additionally, all lowercase cursive letters begin on the line, so the chances of reversing letters are greatly reduced.
Why is handwriting important for standardized tests?
During a standardized test, your child will have a limited amount of time to write legibly. It can be very frustrating if your child’s writing response receives a lower score because the examiners could not decipher their handwriting.
How is handwriting important for note taking?
Taking legible notes by hand is vital for students of all ages because it improves attention, comprehension, and retention.