Your child may be excelling academically in school, but often find themselves bored in class. At Tutors for Tally, we offer Enrichment tutoring. The scope of these learning experiences goes above and beyond what is possible in the traditional school classroom. Students are free to explore individual interests, take full advantage of personal qualities, such as learning styles. Synonyms for “enrich” are: complement, improve, enhance, upgrade, boost, and elevate. These terms all apply to the purpose and goals of enrichment session. These sessions will:
Compliment students’ natural abilities, interests, and personalities
Improve abstract thinking abilities, academic, and organizational skills
Enhance the process of learning by using various styles such as visual, auditory, and tactile
Upgrade traditional curriculum by introducing and integrating novel or advanced concepts, and purposefully applying them to achieve specific goals
Boost learning with hands-on activities, individualized projects, lively discussion, and presentations
Elevate the experience by promoting an atmosphere of enthusiasm, and encouragement – where individuals are free to be themselves and celebrate their unique perspectives, talents, abilities, and accomplishments